Saturday, September 7, 2024

Sadie’s First Show

First, happy 3251 blog post, another prime number.
Today was a beautiful day for a horse show.  Unfortunately, I did not have a chauffeur.  But I decided to take Sadie to watch so she could see what a show was all about.  She has been lining up her play horses and saying they were at a show. 
This show lineup was very kid friendly. The first class was stick horse.  The daughter of a girl at work was there.  Sadie had met her before at the clinic Christmas party.  Isabella has been to a lot of shows.  I told Sadie to just follow her.
They made a very cute pair.  
And even though we didn’t take a horse, Sadie was still able to go in lead line.  Another girl that I knew said her nephew was supposed to ride in lead line but didn’t come, so Sadie was welcome to ride Joey instead.  I actually met Sarah, Joey’s owner, several years ago when I found her blog.  I recognized the arena in her pictures and found out she was a local.  Funny how things work out.
Joey was a dream and Sadie acted like she knew exactly what to do.
But we might have to step up our show attire to keep up with Isabella.  She was so adorable with her mini and she even did the costume and driving classes.
Sadie will be talking about Joey for a long time.
She got two ribbons and two $2 bills!  
She wanted to wear her ribbons, so I pinned them onto her jacket.  We ate lunch from the food truck in the back of the car.  We stayed for a few more classes.
And I left before Sadie got too worn out with the show.  Then, back home, she wanted to ride Otoelene.
This time I let her hold the reins and start to learn how to steer. 
Next time she wants to take her own horse to the show.


C said...

A horse show - Sadie is starting early!

How funny you met a local because of a blog. And how nice of her to let Sadie ride Joey.

Isabella has definitely set a high bar with her outfit and that cute little mini horse.

I love that Sadie wanted to wear her ribbons. Was anyone else doing that? Or did she just come up with that idea?

And even with all that time at the horse show she still wanted to ride Otoelene.

(I love that you note the "prime" posts. They have to be getting rarer as you go higher. Do you put the post number in a prime number checker app?)

Shirley said...

Oh my how cute are those little girls! How wonderful that the next generation of horsewomen is starting at such a young age. I'm sure horses will be a lifelong attraction for them.
How kind of your friend to let Sadie ride her horse.
You do realize that you are going to have to take her to many shows over the next decade or so :o) What fun!
She did very well on steering Otolene.

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