We spent day 5 sight seeing in Western Nebraska and South Dakota.

After dropping M off at the airport in Chadron, and worrying about his safety leaving out on such a small plane, we stopped at Fort Robinson. It was raining and the buildings were closed except for the Museum which we enjoyed. The Fort has served as the Red Cloud Indian Agency, a cavalry remount station, K-9 dog-training center, POW camp and a beef research station.

Where are we now? Unfortunately, this was the view we had at Mt. Rushmore. I'm told there are some giant heads carved into the mountain, but you couldn't prove it by me.

We did get to see the Bad Lands. Absolutely fascinating!

Words and pictures can't do it justice.
Our last 2 days were spent racing back east. 3500 miles in 7 days.
They may be called bad lands, but they are a good view. Thanks for taking me with you. I have seen sights I probably will never get the chance to see myself.
What terrible luck at Mt Rushmore -- it was nice that you got to see some other interesting sites...
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