J and I with brother M are headed for Nebraska tomorrow morning. V and E will be staying here with Grandma. They are having the Standards of Learning tests next week which they can't miss or else they would be joining us. J is wanting the see the cattle we sent to feed last December before they are harvested. We are also going to look at some ranches for sale. Then if there is time Mt Rushmore and the Bad Lands.

I'm afraid that I might miss the peonies blooming while we are gone. A few have already started to bloom. At least Grandma will be able to enjoy them.

I think the close up pictures of the irises are fascinating. I keep zooming in and cropping to get different perspectives.

The daisies are in full bloom.

They do have a way of multiplying. The friend that gave them to me originally now is spraying hers with Round-up.

We had a starling trapped in the pipe of the wood stove in the garage today. Once I got it out it flew into the window and became addled. I picked him up and placed him on my window trellis until he straightened up enough to fly off.
Next post will be in 9 days.
beautiful flowers ! enjoy the trip
Wonder what feedlot you use? Enjoy your trip!
If you do get to head north from Nebraska into South Dakota, come a little further. Our place is in sw North Dakota. Would love to show you our piece of "God's Country" in the North Daktoa badlands. We are right next to Theodore Roosevelt National Park. The door is open here!
Have a safe trip. Love the pictures of your flowers. Can't wait to hear about your trip when you get back.
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