V had a much calmer show than E. Nothing escaped, no torn clothing, and no blood.

She showed E's 965 pound steer to a third place finish in the first class. She said she nearly got run over by 61 and bent someones show stick in the mayhem but wasn't injured.

Next she showed Black Jack weighing in at 1195 pounds. He looked good in his class and we feel he should have at least placed second but alas, another third.

Next was the 1285 pound Miller Time.

He acted wonderful and placed second in his class. V used him in showmanship and did and excellent job but didn't place. I truly did not understand the judge in this class. Four of the top five never stood still long enough to set up. They circled for almost the entire class. Judges in the past have always made a big deal about the work that goes on outside the ring to get the cattle to behave, but this judge just said the 4-
her's stayed calm even though their animals misbehaved. It was very disappointing.

The heifers showed last. V had the only late spring Hereford so she got a blue ribbon there. She also place third in the Senior
Stockman's contest and won the Senior Record Book. She got $50 for that effort. Despite a few show management problems (letting a 20 year old show because he was still 19 when the project started last fall, and allowing professional fitters to work on the cattle instead of the 4-Hers) we felt we had a pretty good showing. The jury is still out on weather J will do the project with V next year. I'm pretty sure E won't be participating.
Congrats V! And $50 for your record book - nice job.
All your cattle are very nice looking cattle, I liked Black Jack, he sure is pretty and stands like he knows it. He should of gotten a first in my opinion. V did very good. Congrats to her.
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