Friday, July 17, 2020

Another Lesson For Walker

Walker came over for another lesson on Hank.  
 He is really getting the hang of posting.  Granted, with Hank's trot you pretty much have no choice in the matter. 
 We ended up having to ride in the barn for a bit until a storm passed. 
 Then we made it out for a ride around parts of the farm Walker hasn't been to yet.  He said, "that is so pretty with the hay bales, the blue sky, the clouds like they are and the fog."  I told him that not many 11 year old boys would appreciate that.  His response, "I like that sort of thing."
Walker has been a joy to ride with and Hank has been a gem. 


C said...

He sounds like a bit of a poet.

Lucky lad to get such a wonderful opportunity.

Shirley said...

He's the right kind of young man.

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