Friday, November 13, 2020

This Week's Catch Up

It was back to farming full force when we got back from vacation.  Saturday V and M came to help work the fall calving cows.  
Well, M helped, V walked around and looked for a place to build a house I think.  
It took some quick footwork to get all those little calves corralled.  
The cows got off easy, one shot and pour on dewormer.  The heifer calves got one shot and an ear tag.  The bulls however, had to become steers.  
I think a few of them suspected something and were a little rambunctious. 
But there was nothing M couldn't handle.  
Mountain oysters anyone? 
The weather has been unseasonably warm which has allowed me to get some good riding time in on Otoelene. 
I was headed down the driveway when I saw a bird soaring over the pine trees.  I usually assume all big soaring birds are vultures, but I looked closer 
and saw it was a bald eagle.  It was very close and circled for a long time.  It was nice to have a horse that doesn't mind standing still for me to take pictures.  
Then there are always cows somewhere to check. 
And you never know when a buck will pop up. 
I think we missed the peak fall colors while on our trip, but there are a few yellows and reds left amongst the browns. 
The leaves stayed on the burning bushes longer than usual this year.  They made for a showy entrance to the yard for a couple of weeks.  It's hard to beat a fall ride on a good horse. 


C said...

Well except for the cattle working pictures, one would think that you are on vacation. Cool bald eagle photo

(great to have such good help)

Shirley said...

Fall riding is the best! No bugs, beautiful scenery and colours and that smell of damp earth... ahhh….
I wonder of the eagle was looking for some mountain oysters for dinner!

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