Saturday, August 10, 2024

Otoelene, Fences and Sadie Saturday

I had a little free time this morning so I decided to check on how Otoelene was doing.  She had been walking better than last weekend and today she was back to her normal.
So I took that as good enough to ride around the farm.  She did fine and I think she was glad to get out to see some new scenery. 

After lunch I helped Joe with a fence issue that has been on his list to fix.  A tree had fallen on the fence and was wedged between the fence and another tree.
At least it was in the shade and next to the river so it wasn’t miserably hot.
There was not a safe way to cut the whole tree off the fence.
We ended up untangling the wire and putting another wire over top of the down tree.  Check that one off the list.
When I got back the the house there was a message from Virginia asking if we were home.  Sadie had asked to come over, YEA!!  The dahlias and marigolds have been holding up well.  We also did a craft, played in the pool and went through my jewelry. 
After supper we had a nice walk to the barn to feed the goats and dogs.
I love how she wants to wear cowboy boots and still holds our hand.
She wanted to pet her mommy’s horse,
And go with PopPop to put the 4 wheeler away.
Then when we took her home she was beyond excited to show off her sunflowers. 



Shirley said...

A perfect day.

C said...

Those photos of Joe studying on the down tree on the fence situation. What a tangle. I'm glad you found a workable solution.

The photos of Sadie holding PopPop's hand - so sweet :)

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