Sunday, August 18, 2024

Weekend Horse Riding

Sadie and Allie came over again after church today.  While Allie was taking a nap, Sadie wanted to ride a Otoelene.
It is a good thing Draper and Otoelene are so gentle.  Sadie does not mind them checking her out at all.
Today we worked on riding by herself again.  Otoelene was back to being sound so it was much easier today to trot. 
It was a short ride because I always stop when Sadie says she is done.  But I think she had fun.

Then not to be outdone, Allie has taken to riding the bouncy horse.  She went from scared to touch it to scaring Mimi with her wild riding in no time. 



C said...

Scared to touch it to wild riding in no time - made me laugh.

Shirley said...

2 little equestriennes for you to deal with!

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