Monday, September 2, 2024

Sadie and Allie Labor Day

Virginia took me up on an offer to keep the girls for the afternoon to let her and Mike do something on their own.  It was a win-win for both of us.
We played in the playroom.

Of course we picked flowers.  And no pictures because they didn’t have bathing suits playing in the blow up pool on the back porch.  Sadie’s hair was in a knot afterwards and she was so good to let me braid it.

Then for the main event, the fire pit!  Linda and Terry came over and we grilled hot dog and had corn on the cob, tomatoes, cucumbers and chips.  But the biggest hit were the s’mores.  
I think Sadie ate two.  Allie made a mess with one but enjoyed eating the plain marshmallows. 

 Now they will want to have a “camp fire” at every visit.


C said...

A campfire and s'mores!!

Shirley said...

What fun for them! And you :o)

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