Sunday, October 13, 2024

Surprise Horse Show Contestant

Saturday was a big day.  We took Otoelene to a horse show for Sadie to show.  This is the same show she went to last month but not with Otoelene.  Otoelene was a little lame, but I had given her some pain meds the night before and morning of the show.  It was enough to get though the few classes she was entering.  I was even able to enjoy riding her around in the arena for about 30 minutes before the show started.
This time Allie, Mike, Virginia and Joe all came too.   Unlike me at a show, both Allie and Sadie wanted to eat right before the stick horse class. 
Isabelle wasn’t there but Sadie showed Allie what to do. 

Allie’s horse had a little bucking fit, but she stayed on.  
And then the big surprise! Allie’s third time on a horse was at the show.  She was begging so much to ride that Virginia decided that she could do the lead line and Sadie would do the judged lead line.  During Allie’s class, I lead and Virginia walked next to her.  Allie kept telling Virginia to “get out of here”.  
Allie was very excited about her ribbon.
Then it was Sadie’s turn for the judged lead line.  
I let her hold the reins and she was able to stop and turn Otoelene pretty much by herself.
She did great and ended up 2nd out of 3.  The judge told her she needed to work on keeping her heels down. 
After a quick tack change Sadie went back in for Juvenile Stock Horse Halter.
I didn’t even tell her to stand straight, she just did that on her own.
We had a disappointing 4th place finish.  Virginia thought the judge placed the class more on showmanship than conformation.  But it really didn’t matter to Sadie at all. 

She was already making plans for the next show.
Then there was more eating back at the trailer before we loaded up to come home. 
It must have been a tiring morning, because they both fell asleep on the way back to the house.
Back at the house, Sadie wanted to put on my fancy cowgirl shirt.  It was mine when I was a little girl.  Sadie thinks she will be able to where it to the show next year.

But for now, it was good to have while cuddling bunnies.


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