Monday, July 22, 2024

Airlie Garden Visit

Since Sadie has such a love of flowers, Virginia thought it would be nice to take her to a botanical garden.  There was one about an hour from where we stay at the beach.  I went with Emily to it several years ago and throughly enjoyed it.  That time there was a gnome exhibit.  That visit can be seen HERE
This time there was a bee theme exhibit.  It was a little rainy and overcast so we were not missing anything at the beach.
Sadie was vey excited about the flowers.
She even recognized that these pink phlox were like what I have at home.  
But her favorite part was the butterfly house.
We go a family photo for them.

There was some interesting Spanish moss on the ground.
We got to see some turtles in the lake.
And there were lots of  photo ops.  

But then it started to rain again which was fine because I think we had reached the end of Sadie’s and Allie’s attention span.  We went to The Boathouse for a great lunch.  They had shrimp and grits, my favorite.  When we got back the sun finally came out and we were able to get in some more beach time. 
Sadly, we will have to leave tomorrow. 


1 comment:

C said...

Great photos of the grandkids :)

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