Monday, July 8, 2024

Foggy Morning

My early morning ride to beat the heat included fog this morning. 
It was much better than riding in full sun. 
 The goats were just getting up and heading out to start their busy day of weed control.  
I am always surprised that my wildlife wood pile hasn't been completely destroyed by the cows. 
I ended up having to spend more time that I wanted at this pile of rocks.  I know I have ridden Hugo past it before but today for some reason he thought it was going to eat him alive.   I was finally able to convince him that these are strictly vegan rocks and they have no desire for horse flesh. 

We passed by our winter hay supply.  Joe has it all lined up nicely. 
And with that, the fog lifted, and my ride was done.  


Shirley said...

Hahaha vegan rocks!
That is a lot of hay!

C said...

Nice job on the hay.

Looks like a nice morning ride.

I have had to switch to morning for my walks because the heat is too much during the day and the it lingers well past sunset.

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