Monday, July 29, 2024

Allie Rides!!!

Mike and Virginia brought Allie over after church yesterday.  Sadie was already here because she had spent the night.  Sadie wanted to go ride the horse and Allie wanted to go to the barn too but probably not ride.  On the way to the barn I had a talk with Allie about not screaming around the horses.  Sadie added that horses like to be calm.  She is a very intuitive child.  
Sadie had picked some leaves for Draper and Otoelene.  Allie did not have any desire to get closer during the treat time. 
I was able  to convince her to brush a little bit, as long as I held her hand.  The rest of the family arrived at the barn and watched Sadie ride. 
This time she went some by herself at the walk and trot on the lounge line. 
She did great.  
And then the biggest surprise, Allie said she would ride with Mommy!  And there was no screaming!  Just big smiles.  
She even asked to go faster.  Sadly, Otoelene was lame and riding was very limited.  But I think it was enough to have a good start for Allie.  



Shirley said...


C said...

I love the photo of you holding Allie's hand while she tentatively brushes Draper's leg. And what a big beautiful smile on Allie while she is riding. Maybe there is some hope for a second little rider.

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