Friday, August 2, 2024


I had my equine vet friend come check Draper again.
I wanted to confirm her pregnancy before starting the prenatal vaccine and deworming schedule.  Plus, if she wasn’t pregnant there would still maybe be time to try again this year.
And great news!  She is confirmed pregnant.  (This may or may not be a picture of the foal.). She is almost 3 months along now.   Eight or so months left to go. 
There was a request awhile back for more information on the stallion.  I got these pictures from his Facebook page.  I chose him because he was very close by, only 2 miles up the road, 
and for his very laid back personality.  According to the owner, he passes this personality trait on to his offspring.  Calmness is much higher up on my list of wants than when I was younger.
He also seems to possess some athleticism.  The owner mostly trail rides but has shown some at local shows.  His offsprings are at an age now that they are being ridden and shown some.  
And although not that“fancy” (not counting his color)  he does have pretty correct conformation.  I am hoping Draper will and the “fancy”.



Shirley said...

That should be a pretty nice foal. I see a lot of old Skipper W breeding in his pedigree, they were QH show horses. I'm also a fan of the Poco Bueno bloodline for good minds and athletic ability. Yay for confirmed in foal!
I just found out that my Gussie mare is not in foal, she's in full heat right now. First sign of heat in 11 months... go figure.

C said...

(Shirley's horse bloodline knowledge is impressive. I hope she will have success with Gussie)

Congratulations on the pregnancy confirmation. I hope you have good weather next year for the new foal's arrival. The sire certainly has striking markings. I hope the new foal will have the best of both :)

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