Friday, February 1, 2019

Facebook Market Place

J decided to try to sell his farm truck a few months ago.  The problem is that there is no Kelly Blue Book for a 1994 Ford truck.  J loved the truck so much I think I started out too high on pricing at $2500.   I am now down to $1000 but will take $500.  I placed an ad on Facebook's Marketplace thinking it would be an easy sell.  Wrong.
I thought my ad was pretty clear.  But people will always surprise me with their questions.  By far the most enquiries revolve around trades.  
So far, I could have a 2004 Pontiac,
a 1995 f150, 

a 1995 Ford Taurus (this one was tempting because I use to drive my mother's old taurus until I totalled it running into a 14 year old that stole his mother's car to run away from home and ran a stop sign.  I could really fit a lot of stuff in the back of that car)
How about a 1985 Chevy Scottsdale. 

or maybe a 4 wheeler, the possibilities seem endless.  But it was really hard to pass up, 
Mickey Mantle and a rifle.  Who knew a 1994 farm truck could generate such interest.   There have been lots of other questions, 
Does it run? 
Did you read the ad?

I hate "Bottom $"  without even calling, drives me crazy.  I don't even reply to those anymore.

 Then when I accepted an offer, end of conversation.  Guess they were just testing me. 
Then I think I offended the next one, 

I'm really not sure why my truck having rust implied any ill will toward his truck.
And how do I answer that one?  There is a bullet hole in the bed, the bumpers are hanging off, the tail lights are busted out, you have to roll down the window to open the door, heaven forbid if you take the key out of the ignition, there is a pillow sewn into the driver side seat, there is no rear view mirror, it may not start if it is raining,  and oh, now the muffler is in the bed. 
Maybe I should see about that Taurus. 


Alica said...

Lol...sounds like another truck I know! We'll trade ya!

C said...

I love the "anything wrong with it"? - did they look at the picture?

You might consider a trade...
If you play your cards right you don't know what you will end up with.
Consider the one red paper clip trade story - they eventually traded the paper clip through a series of trades for a house.

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