Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Day Lilies

The day lilies were starting to bloom before our trip to the beach.  I was a little worried that I might miss the peak blooming. 
But I didn’t. 
I love the long sweep of color along the driveway. 
They usually last for about 3 weeks.
Aren’t they gorgeous!

Then I was surprised when Virginia and Mike came over with Sadie and Allie.  Yes, we picked flowers.  Sadie is always picking them for her mother.  Then she will ask if I want to pick some for my mother.  She is so thoughtful.

I asked Sadie and Allie to stand in front of the day lilies for a picture.  Sadie cooperated.

But the only was to get Allie to was to ask her to give Sadie a hug.  Sweetness overload.


Shirley said...

Awww cute photo! I want to try day lilies here- not sure if they will survive the deer.

C said...

Well I can see why you were worried about missing the day lilies. And yes they are gorgeous.

Your grand children are very endearing. "Sweetness overload" indeed :)

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