Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Hack And Squirt

This past fall, Emily and Keiran were concerned about a patch of Ailanthus or Tree of Heaven trees that we have on the farm.

 I decided to go ahead and work on killing them since they are considered an invasive species here.  Keiran recommend the hack and squirt method in the fall when the trees were pulling their energy down to the roots.  One hack and squirt of full strength Roundup for each inch in diameter.  That way the Roundup is taken directly to the roots to kill the tree.  There were more trees than I anticipated and I had to make a trip back to the house for more Roundup. The second time I ran out I just quit.  I thought it might be good to see if it really worked before I put any more effort into it. 

I have been waiting this Spring to see if the trees put out any leaves. 
I didn’t get a complete kill but it looks like I did some damage.  Emily and Keiran said for my Mother’s Day present they would finish it up this fall.  I will keep you posted.


Shirley said...

Huh! That's an interesting and easy way to get rid of unwanted trees. We have a maple here we want to get rid of, I will show this to Ted.

C said...

I think you are smart to try to get rid of those trees. I have a friend who discovered that "devil" tree in her yard. She has gone to great effort to try to get rid of it and its many "babies". They are not easy to get rid of. I think Keiran and Emily gave you good advice. What a nice Mother's Day gift to help you finish up in the fall.

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