Monday, June 24, 2024

Weekend With Sadie

Virginia and Mike brought Allie and Sadie over Saturday afternoon for a visit.  Sadie asked to spend the night. I try not to let too many of those opportunities pass by so I said of course you can. 
The first thing she wanted to do was for me to blow up the pool to play in.  Instead, I got a bucket of water, a couple of rags and the hose and we washed the car. It was just as fun I’m sure. 

Then we had to go help Joe fix a fence that some people delivering hay broke. It was hot and Sadie was thirsty. I told her she would have to tough it out until we got home. And she did. She didn’t fuss or whine or complain. Just asked a lot of questions about “contrisity”.  Her word for electricity. 
Meanwhile, don’t try this at home.  Joe managed to get everything put back in working order and we headed back to the house. 

There were goats to feed,

And cows to check.  Then dinner, bath, a couple more chapters of Charlotte’s Web and bed.  But before that, she wanted to pick out my dress and shoes for church the next day. I thought she just might wear the pretty purple dress she came in. I was wrong. Sunday morning she wanted to pick out a dress from the dress up rack. 

She chose one that I had as a little girl.  Which meant I needed to iron it. 

After church there were more flowers to pick. 

I think I wore her out because she actually took a nap. 
Then before heading home one more trip to the barn to feed the goats. She was trying to get them to eat out of her hand. 
Then she said it was horse riding time. Unfortunately, we were out of time and could only take them a treat. I love that she loves all the things to do here. 


C said...

What a dream. You couldn't ask for a better little helper.

C said...

Meanwhile, don’t try this at home. Oh my!!

Shirley said...

Sadie, a true farm girl. How blessed she is to have your farm to spend time at! She is such a beauty too.

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