I had a chance to ride Otoelene this morning.
I had her shoes reset Friday. She started out sound but started walking pretty tenderly by the time we made it to the gravel road.
It was tough getting through the field that the cows are in. The seed heads were right at Oroelenes mouth level.
Joe has spend a lot of time the last few weeks backpack spraying. He said the other day that nobody would ever see all the work he did. So nobody rode through the gorge to appreciate the dead and dying rose bushes the Joe had sprayed.

It looked like the cattle on the rented land were doing well. They knew how to relax anyway.
Then in the afternoon, I took Hugo out for a ride. He actually let me catch him out in the open without running around much first. He was pretty energetic on our ride but stayed under control. I have been happy with how he does after some time off.
That's sad that such a good horse can't stay sound. I'm sure you have explored every possibility. She might be a good arena horse for Sadie in the walk trot classes?
Good boy Hugo! It sometimes takes horses a couple of years to settle into a new home. Maybe he's getting comfortable with his new life.
Poor Otoelene. Shirley's point about Hugo settling in may be on target.
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