Wednesday, July 3, 2019

No Bugs!...Yet

My broccoli cage seems to be working so far.  Although, I think I was too ambitious and crowded too much stuff in it.  It is so hard to judge when you start with a little seedling. 
 I have been peeking through the tulle daily trying to decide when to cut the broccoli.  Monday was the day.
 Look at those leaves, not a bug hole in sight.   I dusted it once right after we planted, it rained the next day and I haven't dusted since.
 Then, on closer examination, it looked like a head of cauliflower was ready too.  Isn't that beautiful and white.
I had fresh broccoli and cauliflower for supper, delicious.   And yesterday, I froze 4 packages of broccoli.   Not a worm in the bunch.  Hope this holds up for the rest of the season.


Shirley said...

Never thought of using tule! Good idea! I have to cage my Haskap bushes, they seem to be a favourite snack for robins. I kept thinking they weren't producing, but I saw berries on them one day... and gone the next.

C said...

Genius!! Well done and happy eating.

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