Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Morning Ride

We have had a few rainy days but this morning was nice.  I thought I might get a ride in before it rained again, which it didn't.  I also thought that maybe the ticks wouldn't be so bad with the grass wet.  But then I decided to just ride up the road anyway. 
I love how the Dame's rocket is blooming with its variations from purple to white.  I had to look up the name.  I had always called it wild phlox but apparently I have always been wrong.  It seems to be an invasive species from Europe.  But I still love it.  I have some in my flower border but it never spreads enough to suit me.  My grandmother also cultivated it in her yard.  Anyway, my ride continued up the gravel road.  When I was on my way back I spotted this...
Can you see it?  
 I had to back up to get a better picture.  Google says it is a common water snake.  That makes sense because it was sunning on a culvert above a small creek.  Otoelene wasn't bothered by it other than the fact that I was delaying her return home.  It was a nice 3 1/2 mile ride. 


Shirley said...

I sure wouldn't take a closer look at a snake, they creep me out ever since my brothers used to throw garter snakes at me when I was little. Jerks!
The road is better than getting ticks.

C said...

Ticks and snakes - yikes

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