Friday, May 3, 2024

New ID

Joe has been wanting to get a group of cows and calves over to our rented farm across the road.
It worked out that we could do it today.
Everything started out well.  I got behind them to drive them down the hill and Joe was in front calling them.
They got to the gate and stopped.  They would not go through the gate even though they had been grazing up there for a couple of weeks. It is the field with the ticks.
Anyway, they made a break for it and ran into the woods.  A neighbor that we let hunt happened by and offered some help.  We ended up taking then through a different gate and eventually to the barn.
Joe had asked me to order an ear notcher a while back.  Instead of a tag he decided to notch an ear.  Then if we keep a heifer as a replacement, she will get a tag.

The notching went well.

There was very little protest and next to no blood.  The calves also got a 7 way vaccine and the cows a breed back shot and both cows and calves got some ivermectin which should help with the ticks for a couple of weeks.
Because we are turning them out onto some very ticky pasture. 
I took a video of how small, fast and aggressive the Asian Longhorn ticks are. Enjoy…



Shirley said...

Horrid little bugs!
Hopefully the ivermectin will work for the cows. We have deer ticks here apparently- no surprise given the resident deer herd. The mares will be getting their ivermectin soon.

C said...

"Enjoy…" - not a word that goes with a tick video.

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