Thursday, September 15, 2022

Four Months Late

Allie will be 4 months old and I finally finished the quilt I started for her before she was born. 
It is a very easy pattern, a 4 block pieced on the diagonal to then look like hearts. 
I splurged and bought some of the fabrics to have a larger variety of pinks to add in with some of my old fabrics. 

For the back, I was thinking about a heart fabric but saw these butterflies and knew it was the one.  I decided hearts would be too much with the hearts on the front too.  Plus, butterflies are one of my mother’s favorite things and the busyness hides any hand quilting issues, so win, win. 
I quilted the lattice in the ditch and a heart on the hearts.  

For the hearts, I traced a heart with this “wash away fabric marker.”  After two washings, it still showed. 
I had to break out my very special bottle of Wisk and scrubbed all of the hearts with a toothbrush.  (Wisk has been disconnected since 2016, hence the very special bottle). And it worked, no more blue marker.  I hope Allie will like her new quilt, made with lots of  love💕 


Shirley said...

It's so pretty! I'm sure she will treasure it for many years to come.

C said...

Wonderful quilt. Beautiful job.

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